formality - определение. Что такое formality
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Что (кто) такое formality - определение

¦ noun (plural formalities) the rigid observance of rules or convention.
?a thing that is done simply to comply with convention, regulations, or custom.
?something done or happening as a matter of course: promotion looks a formality.
Custom, established mode, settled method, rule of proceeding.
Ceremony, conventionality, etiquette, mere form.
·noun Form without substance.
II. Formality ·noun That which is formal; the formal part.
III. Formality ·noun The quality which makes a thing what it is; essence.
IV. Formality ·noun Compliance with formal or conventional rules; ceremony; conventionality.
V. Formality ·noun The condition or quality of being formal, strictly ceremonious, precise, ·etc.
VI. Formality ·noun The dress prescribed for any body of men, academical, municipal, or sacerdotal.
VII. Formality ·noun An established order; conventional rule of procedure; usual method; habitual mode.
VIII. Formality ·noun The manner in which a thing is conceived or constituted by an act of human thinking; the result of such an act; as, animality and rationality are formalities.


A formality is an established procedure or set of specific behaviors and utterances, conceptually similar to a ritual although typically secular and less involved. A formality may be as simple as a handshake upon making new acquaintances in Western culture to the carefully defined procedure of bows, handshakes, formal greetings, and business card exchanges that may mark two businessmen being introduced in Japan.
Примеры произношения для formality
1. It was a formality.
On Your Feet _ Claudia Yanez & Danny Burgos _ Talks at Google
2. It was just a formality.
On Your Feet _ Claudia Yanez & Danny Burgos _ Talks at Google
3. It may be a formality.
Read This Before Our Next Meeting _ Al Pittampali _ Talks At Google
4. background check, but it's a formality.
State of the Trans Movement _ Masen Davis _ Talks at Google
5. So it's kind of like an unofficial formality.
How To Live In Detroit Without Being A Jacka_ _ Aaron Foley _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для formality
1. But advancing the bills beyond that formality is patently irresponsible.
2. The Saturday session, simply a formality, lasted only 30 minutes.
3. Why such formality after the romantic intimacy of the pub?
4. In practice, of course, these nowadays are simply a formality.
5. But officials consider that a formality at this point.